*** I'm riding 585 miles to help people with HIV / AIDS. Will you help me? ***

May 28, 2006

End of training...

Exactly one week from today I will be on my way to Los Angeles. Only one week left to the big ride... Today we concluded our training rides with a 25 mile loop. It was a "wrap up" ride that ended with a small party at Starbucks. No more rides until next Sunday. Now it's rest time!

Yesterday I completed my second century ride (i.e. 100 mile ride). I rode from Santa Cruz to Half Moon Bay and back with Doug. It was a fun ride. I thought there wouldn't be any hills but I was wrong. There is quite a challenging hill about 8 miles south of Half Moon Bay.

So I guess this is it... Months of training is over. I still feel like I haven't done much training although all the ALC veterans say I shouldn't worry and that I am ready. I know as the big day approaches I will get more and more nervous. But I am also looking forward to it. I've met some very nice people and I am sure I will meet more.


Blogger Devans00 said...


Can you believe it's almost time to go? I bet your legs are like rocks by now.

Good Luck,

11:11 PM

Blogger Erhan said...

I can't believe it is almost time to go. Time passed so quick!

8:29 AM


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