*** I'm riding 585 miles to help people with HIV / AIDS. Will you help me? ***

February 13, 2006

36 miles: Sunnyvale - Woodside

On Sunday I rode for 36 miles with a group of about 25 people. I was going to give more details about the route but after the ride I washed my shorts and the route sheet was in the pocket... We met in Sunnyvale, by Mary and Fremont Streets and rode towards Foothill Expressway. Rest I don't remember :-) I just followed other people, and somehow we got to Woodside. Weather was great, it was a nice ride. With these clipless pedals, it is much easier to climb up the hills. Next week there is going to be a "Riding Skills Clinic" that will cover helmet fit, quick releases on wheels and brakes, shifting, braking, turning and cornering, practicing balance and picking up water bottles off the ground (*ouch*). Why drop the water bottle on the ground in the first place anyway? :-p


Blogger Devans00 said...

Have you considered investing in a Camelbak Unbottle? Looks pretty handy or should I say, no hands-y.


11:00 PM

Blogger Erhan said...

I have one. I used to use it while snowboarding but those things are a pain in the... back... Mine doesn't have straps so I have to carry it in a backpack. I still prefer the old fashioned way: plastic bottle ;-)

11:06 PM


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